Different translations of excerpts / quotations from the Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant
Link to Kant quotation 7 in German
Norman Kemp Smith translation:*
„There is a great difference between something being given to my reason as an object absolutely, or merely as an object in the idea. In the former case our concepts are employed to determine the object; in the latter case there is in fact only a schema for which no object , not even a hypothetical one, is directly given, and which only enables us to represent to ourselves other objects in an indirect manner, namely in their systematic unity, by means of their relation to this idea.“ (1)
J. M. D. Meiklejohn translation:*
„There is a great difference between a thing´s being presented to the mind as an object in an absolute sense, or merely as an ideal object. In the former case I employ my conceptions to determine the object; in the latter case nothing is present to the mind but a mere schema, which does not relate directly to an object, not even in a hypothetical sense, but which is useful only for the purpose of representing other objects to the mind, in a mediate and indirect manner, by means of their relation to the idea in the intellect.“ (2)
Guyer / Wood translation:*
„It makes a big difference whether something is given to my reason as an object absolutely or is given only as an object in the idea. In the first case my concepts go as far as determining the object; but in the second, there is really only a schema for which no object is given, not even hypothetically, but which serves only to represent other objects to us, in accordance with their systematic unity, by means of the relation to this idea, hence to represent these objects indirectly.“ (3)
Weigelt (Müller) translation:*
„It makes a great difference whether something is given to our reason as an object absolutely, or merely as an object in the idea. In the former case my concepts are meant to determine the object; in the latter there is only a schema to which no object, not even a hypothetical one, is added directly. Rather, the schema only serves to represent to ourselves other objects indirectly, namely by means of their relation to this idea, and according to their systematic unity.“ (4)
(1) Kemp Smith: Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason, Translated by Norman Kemp Smith, Blunt Press, 2008, (originally published by Macmillan & Co., London, 1929), page 550.
(2) Meiklejohn: Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason, Dover Philosophical Classics, 2003, (unabridged republication of J. M. D. Meiklejohn’s translation, Colonial Press, London and New York, 1900), pages 375-376.
(3) Guyer, Wood: Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason, Translated and edited by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood, (The Cambridge edition of the works of Immanuel Kant), Cambridge University Press, 1998, page 605-606.
(4) Weigelt, (Müller): Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason, Translated, edited and with an introduction by Marcus Weigelt, Based on the translation by Max Müller, (Penguin Classics), Penguin Books, 2007, page 549.
(last modification 15.03.2020, filed: Diverses)
Link to all Kant quotations
Link to German Kant quotation 7