“ … You are meditating – that is a matter for joy.
Drop all ideas of achieving in meditation, just do it naturally;
what happens, happens on its own.
One day, effortlessly, everything starts happening by itself.
Effort does not lead to meditation, in fact it is a hindrance.
In effort, practice, study there is tension.
Any expectation, even the expectation of peace, brings restlessness.
The tension has to go.
As soon as this happens a devine peace sets in.
Stop feeling: I am doing it, realize instead: I leave myself in the hands of that-which-is.
Surrender, surrender yourself completely; as soon as you do this, emptiness comes.
… “
Osho, A Cup of Tea, Seite 5, Fourth revised edition, 1980 Osho International Foundation, ISBN 81-7261-013-0
(abgelegt unter: MPYM Zitate)
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Anmerkung zum Zitat:
Das Ego muss man Loslassen um in der Meditation voranzukommen.