„It ist just like this: the house is dark and I talk about light, and you say, „You go on talking about light. Better it will be if you talk about darkness, because darkness is our problem. The house is filled with darkness. Light is not our problem.“ But do you understand what you are saying? If darkness is our problem, nothing can be done about darkness directly. You can not throw it out, you can not push it out, you can not put it off. Darkness is an absence. Nothing can be done about it directly. If you have to do anything, you have to do something with light, not with darkness.
Pay more attention to light-how to find light, how to create light, how to enkindle a candle in the house. And then suddenly there is no darkness.
Remember: love is the problem, never fear. You are looking at the wrong side. And you can look at the wrong side for many lives and you will not be able to solve. Always remember absence should not be made a problem, because nothing can be done about it. Only presence should be made a problem, because then something can be done and it can be solved.
If fear is felt, then love is the problem. Become more loving. Take few steps towards the other. Because everybody is in fear, not only you. You wait somebody should come to you and love you. You can wait forever because the other is also afraid. And people who are afraid they become afraid of one thing absolutely, and that is the fear ob being rejected.“
Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol. 3, page 55 – 56
Chapter 4. The un-minding of being
(letzte Änderung 22.05.2020, abgelegt unter M-P-Y-M Zitate)
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