Osho Zitat 3a: innere Reise

“ …. Life is a dual journey:

one journey is in time and space

the other is within oneself and truth.

The first ends in death

the second in deathlessness.

The second is the real journey because it takes you somewhere.

Those who take the first journey as it, waste their lives.

The real life begins the day you start the other* journey.

A really good beginning has taken place in your consciousness

and I am filled with bliss to feel this.“



Osho, A Cup of Tea, Seite 24, Fourth revised edition, 1980 Osho International Foundation, ISBN 81-7261-013-0

(abgelegt unter M-P-Y-M Zitate 10.04.2022)


* Anmerkung von mir: gemeint ist hier die innere Reise



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