Osho Zitat 17a : Yoga (Definition – nach Vol. 3)

The whole yoga is nothing but centering, moving towards the center, getting rooted  there, abiding there. And from there the whole perspective changes. Now still
the waves may be there, but they dont reach you. And now you can  see they don`t belong to you, just a conflict on the surface with something foreign. ... By and by you relax. ... If you start fighting the waves you will be defeated. ... you will have to accept the waves and let your boat, however small, move with them not against them, then there is no danger.

That is the meaning of Tilopa – „loose and natural“. …




Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 3, page 34


(letzte Änderung 18.01.2020, abgelegt unter: M-P-Y-M Zitate)


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