„… And an impure mind has desires – millions of desires that are unfullfilled, hankering to be fullfilled, asking to be fullfilled. Millions of thoughts are incomplete in it. How can you drop it? The incomplete always tries to be completed.
Remember, Patanjali says that you can drop a thing only when it is complete. Have you watched? If you are a painter and you are painting, unless the painting becomes complete you cannot forget it. It continues, haunts you. You can not sleep well; it is there. In the mind it has an undercurrent. It moves; it asks to be completed. Once it is completed, it is finished. You can forget about it. Mind has a tendency toward completion. Mind is a perfectionist, and so whatsoever is incomplete is a tension on the mind. Patanjali says you can not drop thinking unless thinking is so perfect that now there is nothing to be done about it. Then you can simply drop it and forget.“
(Osho) Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, talks on the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, Yoga the alpha and the omega, volume two, page 4, Rajneesh Foundation, India, 1976, ISBN 0-88050-178-2
( 25.2.2013, abgelegt unter M-P-Y-M Zitate)
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