Osho Zitat 17 k : aroma of yes

„Remember this: for seekers, it has to be remembered constantly that you have to live continuously in the aroma of yes. That is what a man of faith is: he says yes. Even when no is needed, he says yes. He doesen`t see that there is any antagonism in life. He affirms, He says yes to his body, he says yes to his mind, he says yes to everybody, he says yes to the total existence. The ultimate flowering happens when you can say a categorial yes without any conditions. Then suddenly the ego falls; it canot stand. It needs the props of no. The negativ attitude creates ego. With the positive attitude the ego drops, and then the being ist pure.“


(Osho) Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, talks on the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, Yoga the alpha and the omega, volume two, page 12, Rajneesh Foundation, India, 1976, ISBN0-88050-178-2


( 6.3.2013, abgelegt unter M-P-Y-M Zitate)



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