„Patanjali says, „Just look.“ Let mind go, let mind do whatsoever it is doing. You just look. You don`t interfere. You just be a witness, you just be an onlooker, not concerned, as if the mind doesn`t belong to you. As it is not your business, not your concern. Don`t be concerned! Just look, and let the mind flow. It ist flowing because of past momentum, because you have always helped it to flow. The activity has taken on its own momentum, so it is flowing. you just don`t cooprerate. Look, and let the mindflow. For many, many lives, millions of lives maybe, you have cooperated with it, you have helped it, you have given your energy to it. The river will flow for a while. If you don´t cooperate, if you just look unconcerned – Buddha´s word is „indifference„, upeksha, looking without any concern, just looking, not doing anything in any way – the mind will fow for a while, and it will stop by itself. When the momentum is lost, when the energy has flowed, the mind will stop. When the mind stops, you are in yoga. you have attained the discipline.“
(nach Patanjali)
aus: Osho, Yoga The Science of the Soul, Seite 24, St. Martins`s Griffin, N.Y., USA
(abgelegt unter M-P-Y-M Zitate 3.1.2012)
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