Osho Zitat 15 : wholeness

The will to wholeness is inherent in everything, but only in man has it become conscious.

Therefore man lives in tension, and only when this longing is fullfilled is his negative state of tension erased.

The tension is symbolic of the infinite potential and also of the infinite possibilities.

Man is not what he can be, and unless he is that which he can be he cannot be at ease.

This dis-ease is man, and health is in wholeness.

The fact that language has one root for the words whole, holy and heal conceals a deep truth: He who is whole is also healed, and to be healed is to be whole.

This wholeness can only be achieved by becoming totally conscious of oneself: The darkness of the unsconscious is to be penetrated and tranformed into light.

And meditation is the method.



Osho, A Cup of Tea, Seite 149, Fourth revised edition, 1980, Osho International Foundation, ISBN 81-7261-013-0


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