Osho Zitat 13b : Meditation – witnessing

“ … Meditation means: peace; emptiness.

This emptiness is there but is concealed by the flow of thoughts.

As thoughts cease it comes into view.

It seems difficult to become free of thoughts but it is very simple.

The mind seems very restless but it can easily settle.

The key to this transcendence is witnessing.

One has to be a witness, an observer of the mind.

One has to watch it, just watch it.

The moment the witness state dawns, that very moment one becomes free of thoughts.

This in turn opens the door to bliss and then this very world changes into a new world altogether.

Keep meditating.

Results will come slowly.

You are not to worry about that, their coming is certain.

… “


Osho, A Cup of Tea, Seite 7-8, Fourth revised edition, 1980 Osho International Foundation, ISBN 81-7261-013-0

(abgelegt MPYM Zitate)


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