Osho Zitat 17 h1: are visions also dreams

„Question 8


Yes, the are dreams not of this world but of the other world, they are higher dreams. They are concerned not with things, but your inner phenomena. But still they are dreams so don`t cling to them. One has to go beyond them also. ….

…. Remember this is the criterion, that whatsoever is seen has to be treated as a dream; only the seer is real. All that is seen is dream – good, bad, religious, irreligious, sexual, spiritual – it makes no difference. There is a sexual pornography in dreams, and there is a spiritual pornography in dreams also, but both are pornographic. One has to drop all. All experience in dream; only the experiencer is true. And you have to come to a point where there is nothing to be seen, nothing to be heard, nothing to be smelled, nothing to be touched – just vast space and you alone. Only the seer is left. All the visitors have gone; guests gone, only the host has remained. When this moment comes, then only is the real happening. Before it, all else is a dream.“



Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol. 3, Seite 28

(letzte Änderung 29.04.2020, abgelegt unter: M-P-Y-M Zitate)


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