Osho Zitat 20 : Desires

„A conscious effort is needed for two things. One: Whenever you feel a moment of pleasure is there, transform it into a meditative situation. Whenever you feel that you are experiencing pleasure, happy, joyful, close your eyes and look within and see from where it is coming. Don`t lose this moment; this is precious. If you are not consious you may continue to think that it comes from without, and that`s the fallacy of the world.

If you are conscious, meditative, if you search for the real source, sooner or later you come to know that it is flowing from within. Once you know that it always flows from within, that it is something that you already have, indulgence will drop. And this will be the first step of desirelessness. Then you are not seeking, not hankering. You are not killing desires, you are not fighting with desires – you have simply found something greater. Desires don´t look so important now. They wither away.

Remember this: Desires are not to be killed and destroyed; they wither away. You simply neglect them because you have a greater source, and you are magnetically attracted toward it. Now your whole energy is moving inward. The  desires are simply neglected. You are not fighting them. If you fight with them you will never win. …

… Desires must loose their meaning. If you fight, the meaning is not lost. In fact, on the contrary, just through fighting you may give them more meaning. Then they become more important. And this is happening. Those who fight with any desire, that desire becomes the center of their minds. If you fight sex, sex becomes the the center of their minds. Then you are continuously engaged in it, occupied with it; it becomes like a wound. And wherever you look, that wound immediately projects itself, and whatever you see becomes sexual.

Mind has a mechanis, an old survival mechanism of fight or flight. Two are the ways of the mind: Either you can fight with something, or you can escape from it. If you are strong, then you fight. If you are weak, then you take flight; then you simply escape. But in both the ways the „other“ is important, the „other“ is the center.“


(nach Patanjali)

aus: Osho, Yoga The Science of the Soul, Seite 73 – 74, St. Martins`s Griffin, N.Y., USA



(abgelegt unter Diverses 26.12.2011)



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